Media Sport Production Management

Media is one of the most common tools used in sport today. Media sport production includes the use of different aspects of sports presentation in the media. It involves advertising, marketing, and publicizing of sport events and news. This has been extremely useful in the past in announcing sport events in schools, colleges, universities, country, major championships and international events. Therefore, the media plays a critical role in sports. This study will therefore, focus on media sport production management.

It will involve the study of the correlation between sports, marketing, and media (Maguire 1991). It will include all the logistics that involve the management of sport both indoors and out door sport events. The main objective of conducting this study is to highlight on the ways of managing media sport production using advanced systems and technology during major championships. The study will also highlight about the management of children sport production program

Several studies on sport production program have been conducted by other researchers. The researcher will revisit their work and write a literature review on the same so as to have a strong foundation of information related to the research topic.

The study will include the procedures, and equipment for excellent media sports production (Owens 2007); the requirements needed for an excellent media presentation of sports. The researcher will also find out how sport production managers can be able to cope with the high number of media personnel during major championships, as well as how they control the quality of information sent out by the media before, during and after the championships.

The following questions will guide the study:

i. What influence does the media have on both the participants and the general public during sport events?

ii. What are the effects of media in sports events?

iii. How do sports managers conduct production programs during major championships and children sport production programs?

iv. Are sport supporters gaining from the media production of events or not?

v. What challenges do sport media managers encounter in their endeavor of sports advertisements, and marketing?

The study will involve both written and oral interviews of different media sport Production Corporations. The data collected will be used to analyze the different systems that media sport production managers' use in their various sports presenting. Data will be analyzed using statistical methods and presented using charts and graphs.

Conclusion will include recommendations on the use of sport management in media. This will include on the advantages and disadvantages of media sport production and ways of improving it.