A History of the American People essay

Peaceful and Violent Methods to Oppose the British Policies In order to display disagreement, colonies protested in a peaceful way. This protest had an economic nature being triggered by non-importation movement. The Americans were encouraged by ...

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American History essay

Question 1 Railroads have been described as ‘big business’ by Porter because they formed an intricate part of the first major transportation system that oversaw the growth of other sectors of the economy. As the first transportation ...

American Women in World War II essay

American women played a significant role in the World War II. If previously military jobs were a reserve of the men, the increasing intensity of war and the need to protect American boundaries necessitated involving women in this sphere. ...

Changes in East Asia essay

During the 17th-20th centuries, Korea, Japan, and China passed through the periods of fall and rise. In comparison to China and Japan, Korea was frequently invaded and oppressed. Japan had been slower in reforms and had had fewer resources in ...

Evolution of Abolitionist Movement essay

Abolitionism is the movement for the liberation of African-American slaves, their emancipation and incorporation in the American society, as well as the elimination of racial discrimination and segregation. First attempts to end slavery took place ...

The Suez War essay

Introduction The Suez War was one of the last military conflicts in the history of the colonial world. It is usually considered as the last intention of Britain to maintain the status of the empire. The specific interest in the conflict was caused ...

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Urban America and Tenement Housing essay

The United States of America today is the country with a large urbanized territory, which grows every day. Urbanization of America has a long history and many interesting facts. The development of urban American territory requires multiple resources ...

War of 1812 essay

Early 19th century in world history is characterized by the emergence of the revolutionary movements and conflicts. Many historians argue that despite the geographical distance, the revolutionary processes of that time in the United States were ...

World War II essay

During its existence, humanity has gone a long way from the primitive community to the post-industrial society. However, a man left a long trail of blood drown by the countless wars, and the World War II (WWII) became the apogee of people’s ...