Tips on Writing a Personal Essay
Are you ready to get rid of the material things surrounding you? None of us is ready for that, but you should strive to achieve it, and I will explain why. One day, C. S. Lewis reasonably said: “Do not let your happiness depend on the things you can lose.” These words sound even more eloquently in the surrounding world where all people are concerned about the material goods, although they are meaningless. Realizing this simple rule should become one of the top priorities for people.
Try to remember the old theoretical exercise. So, your home is burning, and you have only a few attempts to save everything, which is the most precious to you from the fire. Undoubtedly, you will spend your first attempt to ensure the safety of your close people or your pets. Second, you will try to save the irreplaceable things; the photo albums with the pictures of your happy childhood, family heirlooms, or computer hard drives. Third, you would try to save your documents. Now, the question arises: would you put your life at risk to save the material things? Probably, no. With this example, I just want to assure you that material things are not that important in our lives.
Unfortunately, in the contemporary world, people tend to substitute the moral virtues for the material things without realizing the consequences of their decision. As for me, I have created a new system, according to which, I evaluate every object whether it has the potential to add value into my life. Same goes for my habits. I am sure that in a few years, I will become a totally new person with a new set of qualities and characteristics. My task is to develop the skills and habits, which would help me to grow morally. Therefore, I consider my pursuing a better vision of myself as my primary task.
I want to fill every minute of my life with the deep sense. It means that I try to purchase the things, which can help me to grow both personally and professionally. Also, I try to spend time with interesting people or people who can teach me something. I do not have fake friends. Our lives are too short to spend it on people who do not believe in us. From every relationship, I try to get respect, love, and kindness. Certainly, I share these feelings as well. We must take care of the needs of the surrounding people since only this quality helps us to remain true to ourselves. Communication, care, love, and support are the fundamental qualities, which allow us not only surviving in this words, but painting our days with the bright colors. Although it sounds paradoxical, we are the only creators of our life scenarios.
To summarize, I constantly try to improve myself and broaden my horizons. Though like many other people, I appreciate my comfort, I am not focused on accumulating the meaningless material things. I am balanced enough to organize my priorities and move forward.
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