Roman-Like about Romanesque Architecture

The development of the basilica through the period of 1050-1200 was a massive building trend. The trend was based on several factors including the need to house relics that could be visited by many pilgrims.

Romanesque is a style of architecture developed in Western Europe and Italy between the gothic and roman style (Joseph G Court, 2001). This period had been named the period of the church triumphant. During this period, Romanesque architecture came into being emulating the ancient roman structural devices, barrel vaults, utilizing arches, and groin vaults in their massive, solid stone edifices. One of the architectures during this time was the basilicas who had a characteristic of round arches in their entrance and rose windows.

These kept the walls away from the pressure of the roof and keep them strong. A basilica was a large roofed public hall, which was used for legal affairs and transaction of business (Ching, 1997). The main aim of this architecture was the need to create space for circulation, create a solid construction put on fireproofing and a well-lighted acoustically suitable space. The preferred medium of construction for this architecture was stone masonry with wooden structural elements never in use, in the construction.

Most of Romanesque churches had transepts, arms of the cross figure forming the sculpture which was part of the ornamentation. The exterior design presents the anticipation of how the inside of the building is divided with alternative support system. The height of the building is increased by the use of a simple rounded arch, which is held up by columns of pillars. This building has three types of entrance, the round arched entrance, the recessed or stepped portaled, and the recessed portal with columns.

They had carved images, which was not withstanding but were attached to stonework becoming part of the architecture. It had angels and demons portrayed in a realistic manner with classicism evident in the process of development, in the building.