The Coexistence of Luxury Goods and Knockoffs in China

The manufacturing in China has turned into the most large-scale all over the world and takes very important role in country’s economy. Factories provide a wide range of goods. Thus, the market combines the samples of native production and the exported one. Firstly, here appears a question of how to differentiate luxury goods from knockoffs? Secondly, what actions have to be done for to save customers from disappointment or even troubles? Thirdly, are the implications of the government strict enough to stop the creating of counterfeit goods? Fourthly, what goods are preferred by Chinese people nowadays? Finally, what consequences can take place as a result of knockoffs’ production and distribution?

This paper is dedicated to justification of the questions presented above and is based on the contemporary media and scholarly works that describe different aspects of such phenomena as coexistence of luxury goods and knockoffs on the market of China. Thus, considering the first question outlined above, it has to be admitted that, in case customers want to buy the brand product, they should understand that the price cannot be decreased by sellers in ten or even four times. It is impossible to buy a bag for $30 if the real price is $2,450 (Staley). However, the existence of such bogus products makes this occurrence a real life event. The similar situation appears when buying a set of things for hygiene cheaper than the original sample.

The great problem is that counterfeits can lead to surprisingly unexpected and worrying results. In 2004, approximately 13 babies in China died because of been fed with fake infant formula. The product did not include the appropriate ingredients and it caused the fatal consequences (Bodoni, Miller and Mangi). The growing percentage of people who prefer spending money on something more valuable than clothes and accessories is another reason for the society to pay attention to the discussed phenomena. A number of people use the chance to visit some other countries instead of buying expensive brand issues. They can just buy very similar bogus example. Of course, it brings losses to brands producing luxury goods. In fact, Chinese counterfeits affect not only the native market but also the world’s consumption arena. The number of 253 million fake products caught by European officers in 2006 really impresses (Bodoni, Miller and Mangi). Due to their reports, they applied fines and administrative responsibility on offenders. The evidence shows that the sellers are ready to have a risk and usually have enough possibilities to avoid the punishment. Counterfeit production is one of the most prosperous criminal spheres and cannot be neutralized by the officials. As a matter of fact, a lot of the representatives of the government are involved in this process.

Although many individuals use the possibility to buy counterfeits, the last years are associated with the rise of luxury goods’ consumerism in China. Mostly, young people prefer buying things of newest trends and fashion. Dandies are very careful while purchasing goods as they want the best quality of their goods. Considering the increase of counterfeit enterprising, they are right with such checking. China is the market for luxury goods of different fashion brands and the number of them grows since the customers are interested in buying the most fashionable items.

In conclusion, it is obvious to say that counterfeit production seems to be really successive and advantageous in spite of all prohibitions and government’s implications. The sphere of bogus products is wide and needs constant researches. At the same time, consumers’ tendencies to the luxury goods will have own results. Thus, it is hard to predict how the coexistence of the knockoffs and luxury goods would develop. In any case, the topic chosen for analysis is extremely acute and needs to be thoroughly studied.