Strategies towards Success at the University

University life is a chance for young people to prepare for the future. It is a training ground for careers. Nowadays university education has become very expensive and competitive compared to the past decades. Moreover, a university degree does not guarantee a good job. The labor market has become very demanding; there have been a decrease in anticipated vacancies, and the employers put very high expectations on any candidate trying to apply for the job. University graduates have to compete for the available working places in their country as well as outside the country. This paper will discuss career choice and study programs as strategies towards university education success.

At the university, one is likely to discover many courses of interest and meet new people of different cultures. The period of study is also a time when student relationships form. Young people travel away from their home country, and many of them apply for a part-time job. Despite the new events and environment, one should spend his or her time well and be ready to face the challenges that come with transition. Failure to plan appropriately can lead to early dropout that is detrimental to a graduate’s future employment prospect (Madhavji, 2012).

Choosing a Career

The first step that one should carefully make in order to succeed in education is choosing the right career prospect that is of interest to a student. Choosing the right career ensures that one is satisfied with the course and there is a high likelihood of good performance. Parents and professors can advise on a career choice, but it is up to the individual to decide what appeals to them. Additionally, one should not keep changing programs – an undertaking that is pointless and expensive. The skills learned in the course of learning are of great importance in the labor market. Students should ensure that they participate well in oral presentations and group work. Being capable of locating and scrutinizing information sources and undertaking various projects is a strategy to ensure that one is competitive in the job market since these are some of the areas that employers emphasis on (Jacobs, & Hyman, 2010).  Moreover, it is important to acquire and put into practice skills like adaptability, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Professionals need to be good at solving issues, easy to adapt to organizational changes, and engage well with colleagues. These skills also assist in the university life and are the start points of success.

Study Programs

Another strategy one can undertake is studying part-time or online. If a student experiences exhaustion or lack of money, many universities have a variety of study options that depends on the degree course. These programs can assist the one who has a need of attaining a job and university education at the same time (Klassen, & Dwyer, 2015). Additionally, professionals should be lifelong learners who continuously update and develop their skills. To be successful in life, graduates should make learning a continuous process. Employers are seeking for ambitious individuals who are interested in advancing their careers and are constantly looking for better and challenging posts.

Close association with professors and abiding by the university rules is a strategy to ensure that learning goes on smoothly. Rules like assignment submission, sitting for exams, respect to fellow students and staff among others is to be followed strictly to avoid suspensions or cancelation from a university list (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2014).


It is important for all students to understand that strategies for succeeding in university will help in building future career. However, one should remember that university education does not mean a good job. Therefore, choosing the right career that is of great interest without first considering the labor market is important. Secondly, all the skills acquired at the university are of very great importance in workplaces. Skills like good communication, ability to solve issues in time, teamwork, and adaptability are of great value in every organization. Additionally, employers are always looking for the best candidate. Shinning out as the best gives one the ability to compete with fellow candidates for jobs. Finally, learning should be continuous.