Motivation and Performance Management

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are different terms exhibiting different meanings; in fact, they are related to organization’s immediate level of operations. Job satisfaction is the degree for which an employee likes their jobs or assigned tasks (Jones, 2007). It is mostly attributed to the fulfillment of indulgence of distinctive needs that are directly attributed to one’s personal work. It is important to mention that most of the employees feel satisfied with their immediate jobs whenever they are sufficiently recognized for work well executed and also whenever they are allowed a chance to vehemently contribute to policies and procedures associated with their organization’s daily operations (Jones, 2007). Employee job satisfaction should be fairly assessed within an organization’s immediate performance in order to formulate on-the-job behavioral consequences (Jones, 2007). Lower degree of job satisfaction amongst personnel has been proved to lead to numerous undesirable behavioral characteristics like utilization of an organization’s time resource to conduct and pursue individual goals and objectives, physiological withdrawal from the assigned work, and also significant behavioral changes that might alter the processes and procedure of a workplace. Notwithstanding, other negative consequences that are attributed to job dissatisfaction include poor attendance of employees at workplace, a rather higher rate of employee turnover rate, unregulated early retirements rates, and lower levels of participation in the work (Jones, 2007).

On the other hand, organizational commitment is the feeling of responsibility that makes employee feels immensely responsible for actualizing the mission and vision of a given organization for that matter (Jones, 2007). Consequently, it is a personal level of psychological attachment to a given organization altogether. It is important to postulate that organization commitment is used to predict such aspects as employee turnover rates, organizational citizenship behaviors, and job performance of an organization (Solinger, Van Olffen, & Roe, 2008). There are some of the notable factors that directly impacts organizational commitment. First, role stress is mainly experienced whenever employees feel incompatible or in other cases when they feel that they are exposed to minimal information that hinders them from executing their tasks effectively (Jones, 2007). Second, there exists the aspect of job insecurity and employability where temporal employees feel insecure about their future work in comparison to permanent workers (Jones, 2007).

In Apple Incorporation, organization commitment is perceived to be an element that promotes job performance. For instance, the organization promotes perfect working conditions for its employees in relation to the provision of clean and attractive work surroundings that encourages personnel to engage in quality performance given the favorable environment. Subsequently, Apple Incorporation avails training programs to its employee-base, which makes them feel cared about and appreciated. This is likely to increase the degree of job commitment, hence improving performance greatly. It is ascertained that there exists a positive relationship between organizational commitment within a firm and possible training chances for employees at any given moment. Apple Incorporation also promotes organizational commitment of its workers through provision of adequately higher compensation packages. It is important to understand that the process of linking compensation to performance is one way of motivating employees to put more effort on behalf of the organization they work for (Pierce, Jussila, & Cummings, 2009).

Motivation Theory and Performance Management Principles

Using the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Apple Incorporation can be perceived as a potential employer since the theory stipulates that humanistic needs are the primary source of their immediate motivation. Maslow depicted a need as being the physiological deficiency that any human being is forced to meet. It is important to note that this form of need is able to develop great levels of tensions that can go ahead to influence an individual’s attitude to work and behaviors for that matter (Pierce, Jussila, & Cummings, 2009). Maslow formulated the motivation theory focusing on the immediate definition of need that implicates that human beings are always motivated by a myriad of multiple needs and that these needs are arranged in a distinctive hierarchical order. Any unsatisfied need category can only influence the behavior of people but a given satisfied need cannot act as a motivator to working (Pierce, Jussila, & Cummings, 2009). The theory is founded on two fundamental principles. The deficit principle postulates that a given satisfied need cannot motivate or influence the degree of one’s behavior; people rather engage in work to satisfy their obligation to un-attained needs. It is also focused on the progression principle that defines the hierarchical order upon which needs are to be met.

Thus, this theory would prompt one to seek employment in Apple Inc. in order to fully satisfy the level of needs that have not been satisfied at all. Performance management principles of Apple Inc. are aimed at improving the performance level of the firm within any given moment in time. These performance management principles are directed with such aspects as measurement that sets to determine the performance measures of the company, actions, and appraisals. It is important to note that the firm can be a potential employer given that it sets realistic measures of performance towards employees, hence attaining them becomes easier altogether.