
1. What is "Brahman"?

The term 'Brahman' refers to the concept of God in Hinduism. It should not be perceived as deity. Brahman is rather a Principle. Due to the abstract character of Brahman it is hard to be grasped. Brahman is absolutely transcendent, infinite and unchanging. It constitutes a universe with no start or end. It is prohibited to interpret Brahman in terms of anthropology in accordance with Hinduism. Brahman is represented through different Gods since it is infinite.  

2. What is "Nirguna Brahman"?

Nirguna Brahman refers to the 'part' of Brahman that means the universe. It is considered to be the supreme reality which is formless. In addition, it has no features or quality. It could not be touched, seen or heard. Nirguna Brahman is the central figure in philosophy of Hindu. Nirguna Brahman does not exist separately from God. He is transcendent on the contrary to human beings the bodies of whom are destroyed after death.

3. What is "Saguna Brahman"?

The concept of Saguna Brahman comes from Sanskrit. He is the part of Brahman, as well. He is also indefinite, transcendent and formless. Saguna Brahman is non-separable from Nirguna Brahman. Even if he appears in the real world, the effects of his maya shakti are controlled by him.

4. What is "Atman"?

Atman is the fundamental concept for the philosophy of Hindu. It means 'self' which is eternal and non-changeable. External body as well as mind could not be treated as 'self'; they differ from it and should be regarded separately. It has nothing in common with race, gender, nationality, species etc. It is beyond the time limits. Self is considered to always exist. Atman is also often replaced by the term 'soul’. According to Hindu, the individual should acquire the self-knowledge of self and to understand one's true self.    

5. What is a "Mantara"?

Manthara is the concept coming from the philosophy of Hindu. Manthara is mentioned in the epic literature work Ramayana. She is the maid who is responsible for convincing Queen Kaikeyi that her son should sit on the throne. In addition, she insists upon the exile of Rama from the kingdom. She is often pictured as an ugly woman who is skilled in manipulating people.  

6. What is the origin of "Om" or "AUM"?

Om, which is frequently spelled as Aum, also comes from the philosophy of Hindu. It is a sacred sound which is more powerful than any other mantra. In Sanskrit, the letters a and u are transferred into u. Om is built out of three letters that are symbolic for the philosophy of Hindu as they refer to the earth, atmosphere and heaven. In addition, they mean three sacred scriptures of Vedi and also refer to three major gods of Hindu who are Siva, Vishnu and Brahma. Considering these facts, it should be noted that Aum or Om represents the universe's essence. The meaning of these three letters is further interpreted in Indian philosophy according to which the first thing that has been created by God is sound, and the whole universe is believed to emerge from that. Om as the most sacred sound is considered to be the root of the universe.

7. Why do "Breath Meditation"?

It is believed that through breath meditation the individual can realize his or her 'self'. Observing our breathing, we might also discover the observer of us or someone who monitors all our actions. Duality of breath meditation might lead to the non-dual consciousness. While we breathe we understand that we breathe, we realize who we are, which is eventually the purpose of meditation.

8. What is a "Chakra"?

The word Chakra means the energetic center located within the human body where the energy flows. In general, all human beings are believed to have seven chakras. In the case one of them is blocked an individual might face illnesses and hardships. Therefore, it is important to understand what is represented by each of Chakras as well as the methods that ensure that chakra allows the free movement of energy.

9. What are three ways to be cured of disease?

First of all, breath and other types of meditation should be performed on a regular basis. Secondly, each individual should ensure that all of their chakras are open and that they are able to allow the free flow of energy otherwise, people would face illnesses and misfortunes. Finally, it is important to keep the balance of three doshas.

10. What is the nature of reality in Vedanta?

The reality is actually perceived as the fundamental reason for the existence of the universe, all human beings and beasts. It is limitless and exists beyond time and space. Reality means the homogeneous consciousness, which is limitless, untouchable, pure and indivisible.

11. What is the meaning of "millions of Gods"?

Million of Gods refers to the millions of faces or personalities that Brahman might have. All of them possess the same characteristics as Brahman, thus, they all are formless, invisible, limitless, infinite, unchangeable, etc. At the same time, they are not separated from Brahman though they might be responsible or correspond to the certain phenomenon such as the universe, for example.