Welsh and English Criminal Justice System


The English and Welsh community comprises complex environments characterized by a heavy network of high-end societal behaviors, yet the criminal justice system is accused of partiality in the implementation of their work. With increase in the rate of development, there is a corresponding rise in the societal challenges. Such challenges include decline in moral standards in addition to sickness and poverty. There has been a reported increase in criminal activities which seems to vary directly with the emergence of a complex society. The English and Welsh criminal justice system has been kept on toes in a bid to restore morality and minimize vices within these societies (Belliveau & Tyler, 1995). The need to enhance morality in the environment calls for an appropriate observation of the ethical requirements in all the institutions that make up a society. The justice system, therefore, has the key responsibility of operating in accordance with the principles of justice since each member of the society is entitled to equal administration of justice.

Principle of Justice and Fairness

Fairness is one of the core principles of justice.  In line with the aspect of fairness, each individual convicted of a crime deserves a fair treatment from the judges during the trials. It is worth noting that the Welsh and English criminal justice system has done a tremendous job in ensuring fair treatment of criminals. Despite the magnitude of the crimes, the criminals are never subjected to partiality in treatment. The same ought to be the case with the witnesses and other parties involved in the process. The principle of fairness serves as the ultimate guideline through which justice ought to be meted to the members of the society. The question is whether the criminal justice system has stuck to this principle.

Principle of Justice and Fairness vs. Ethnic boundaries

In a review of the Welsh and English criminal justice system, research studies indicate the existence of partiality in judgment and execution of justice. Therefore, these allegations are always based on ethnic grounds. According to reviews, it is noted that about 20% of cases involving blacks always end with conviction and imprisonment. In fact, this trend projects an unfair execution of justice especially to criminals from the minor ethnic groups (Stuart, 1991). The system has, however, refuted such claims and insists on 100% transparency while handling cases.

Principles of Justice and Fairness vs. Offender Management

The legal processes meant to enhance correction of moral defiance never start with the police and ends with the court. In case of conviction, the criminals are taken to jail. The criminal justice system spreads right into these correctional facilities. The prisoners just like other members of the society are equally entitled to fairness and good treatment. Reviews, however, indicate unfair treatment of prisoners mostly characterized by poor living standards and harassment in some quarters. This can be emphasized by the reduction in prison expenditure by 19%. The offender management expenditure was also reduced by about 17% since 2010 to 2013 hence making management in prisons quite an uphill task.

In addition, enhancing fairness within the criminal justice system would call for utmost independence. When the courts and other bodies are allowed the free hand to make independent decisions, the effectiveness of these judgments is always guaranteed. However, there have been reports of government interference, for instance, through the introduction of stringent policies which otherwise the judges. Moreover, governmental influence has also been noted through the closure of some magistrate and country codes. Due to the interference by the government, the criminal justice system has been challenged in its bid to enhance the principles of justice.


The unending efforts by the Welsh and English criminal justice system to work within the principle of justice remain the clear objective. However, the aspects noted from the reviews above indicate that the system has failed in certain cases in observing the principles of justice (Rawls, 1999). The aspects of unfair judgment based on ethnic backgrounds as well as poor management of prisoners come out as the main points in adjustment. While these adjustments may require an internal arrangement within the system, the influence of the government on the operations of the criminal justice system should remain both supportive and constructive.