Business and Contract Laws essay

Business laws, also known as corporate laws, comprise of a body of laws, which concern the rights, relations, and conducts of persons, companies, businesses, and organization. Business laws provide regulations of the ways stakeholders within the ...

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Community Based Correction essay

A crime is an act or an omission that is restricted or commanded by the sovereign a breach of which leads to prosecution and punishment upon conviction. Crime and punishment have been in existence for a very long time. This body of law has however ...

Employer Intentional Torts essay

Introduction The employment act is the main law that governs the conduct and relationship between an employer and employee. However, the Constitution is the supreme law that governs all other laws which derive their validity from the Constitution. ...

International Law and the Right to Development: Challenges and Prospects of Myanmar Thesis Proposal essay

Introduction to Country Formerly known as Burma, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is an independent state in Asia. The country occupies a totals surface area of about 260,000 square miles. The country is comprised of a number of regions, ...

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Legal Aspect of Corporate Finance essay

Introduction Information related to investments, expenditures, and prices in general is quite sensitive. An investor needs to possess all the relevant information about a certain company’s assets before purchasing its shares. The purchase of ...

The Law [of Unfair Dismissal] Has Been Unsuccessful as an Effective Control upon Managerial Prerogative ... essay

The Law [of Unfair Dismissal] Has Been Unsuccessful as an Effective Control upon Managerial Prerogative … And Far from Acting as a Constraint Upon Power, the Law Actually Legitimises Managerial Control Introduction The relationship between ...

The Ways of Preventing Slavery in Africa essay

Introduction Slavery dates back to the colonial period, whereby most of the traditional African societies were characterized with the existence of slaves and masters. However, after colonialism, the African structure of slavery disappeared and this ...