Cheerful Pranks to Pull on College Friends
Table of Contents
It is the end of the summer. A new school year is near at hand. There is an unpleasant feeling as if you are losing your freedom. However, you should not exaggerate the situation. School, as many other challenges in the human`s life, is a test to make you stronger. Thus, do not get depressed. School is one more chance to discover the potential inside of you and realize what you are capable of.
Get ready to work. Get organized. Change your attitude. Switch off your summer “I just want to have fun” mode and turn “ready to conquer” mode on. Discipline yourself and start living according to the schedule. Have enough sleep. Eat well. Put off excessive entertainment. Be responsible. Remember that you can make your year productive.
Have essential technical supplies that can ease accomplishing your tasks. Know what gadget you need. Get familiar with the prices, quality and sites where you can get it. Just remember that in August prices usually drop and it is the best season to do it.
Being a student is not the worst period in life, actually. In fact, if you employ the privileges that student years offer, you can purchase tech, school supplies, or software much cheaper. Usually, you can get those discounts from student unions.
If are studying in college or boarding school, it is not that easy to return into a cramped dorm after the royal spaces of sweet home. Fortunately, life in a dorm is not that hard since you know how to manage it. Be a good roommate, even if your co-dweller is not the best one, take it mildly. At any rate, make sure that someone else does not occupy your personal space, at least your desk, so that you can study efficiently.
You will have dozens of books to read this year. It is self-evident that the faster you get the information, the better results in studying you are going to have. Stop repeating the words while you read and get focused on the words in the middle of the utterance. You can also try clustering the words together.
Definitely, note-taking is one of the must-have-without-fail techniques. Nobody is going to dictate you information in school with the speed you would like to, no teacher will dance to your tune. Hence, if you do not learn how to note the most important information, you would miss it. Obviously, that is not good. So, you have to improve your note-taking in order to have a productive year.
Delete your old to-do list from the smartphone or throw away all written by hand to-do lists in your notebook. This is a new studying year, so you have to create new agenda. The only essential requirement for your to-do list is that it has to be workable. Make your tasks simple and easy to perform. If you bear off often from your list, change it. It has to be effective.
When you are trying hard to do any job, there is always a problem of distractions from every side. You have to be radical with your problems. Block the sites that waste your time during your studying. No Facebook. Sometimes, even entertainment with friends has to be cancelled.
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