In the world today, there are many crime cases recorded every day. Some of the cases involve the minors, such as, sexual offenses, child abuse and kidnapping. Evidence is critical in an attempt to find justice to such cases. Nonetheless, there are certain issues that are involved in presenting child testimony in the court of law. Relaxation, role playing, court orientation and support, debriefing and follow-up and anxiety management training are some of the issues related to the use of a child as evidence in court (Neubauer & Neubauer, 2007).
To begin with, it is essential that a child is made to relax before nay questioning, whether it is done in or outside the court. A nervous child will not provide credible evidence in front t of the adults. Therefore, any plans to use their evidence require a lot relaxation in the child. Relaxed child develops confidence that is fundamental in the presentation of effective and reliable evidence (Cunningham & Hurley, 2000). Additionally, an effective child testimony also involves the issue of training on anxiety management. Anxiety is an issue that can easily distort vital evidence in the court.
Moreover, it is essential that a child is prepared for the court before the hearing of the case. This will increase the child's reliability and memory. Prepared child is likely going to be more comfortable and relaxed in the process of questioning. Early preparation of the child also improve the child's confidence; hence, the ability to provide reliable and credible information to the court. This preparation also reduces stress and suggestibility in the child before court.
It is also imperative that the techniques used in interviewing a child are very appropriate.
This is because when a child is questioned haphazardly, he or she loses confidence, credibility and composure. Also, since the child is subjected to a lot of questions by many officials, such as, police officers, lawyers and judges, he or she can be traumatized and confused (Neubauer & Neubauer, 2007). Therefore, there is need to acquire appropriate questioning skills in order to make the process successful.
Evidently, court orientation, anxiety and relaxation management training, and appropriate interviewing techniques are essential for a successful use of a child testimony as evidence in a court of law.