Benfield Column Project


The main idea behind the Benfield Column Project was construction of hydrogen for the smooth functioning of the company's performance. Owing the breakdown of the plant, it was vital to fix the failed portion of the shell by cutting out and replacing it. Hence, the vital aspect of the project was to stripe out the first shell, forge a new segment, reinstall the column, and re-commission the company.


In the project, the necessary logistics were compiled so as to come up with the necessary information on how to improve and maintain the factory. Employment was on the basis of the persistent fields and expertise. Meetings with the stakeholders were convened to analyze the key issues which might have resurfaced once the project culminated. In the case of the resources required for the project, it was obvious that it would not be a hindrance in the establishment of the WBS structure. For the success of the project implementation, the set guidelines would be followed to ensure quality and timely delivery of work, according to the set schedule.

The project was a reduced cost management, and this made easy for immediate analysis and implementation. Technical and business decisions were authorized as well as, responsibility to plan and dissemination of the guidelines to be followed (Kulakowski & Chronister, 2006). Resource utilization was emphasized to ensure that labor and resources necessary for project authorization was available. Time scheduled would also be followed to designate the underlying materials for the repair of the broken plant. All the required information was communicated through to all the players in the project so as to ensure smooth flow of work.

Since the project started to suppress the accident caused by the breakdown of the plant, little time was required to install the program so as, to avoid the loss caused by damage. If the repair of the Benfield project were not that critical, then basic work flow would have been provided to ensure that the most destroyed parts replace with the well-functioning ones. In essence, the time schedule would have been a significant factor to consider in that, replacement of the broken parts might be considered.

Safety programs and recommendations on the procedures to be followed might help reduce the insecurity, which might be caused by the breakdown, either to employees during the course of work, or the stakeholders and administrators involved at large. To ensure that maximum output encompass in the whole plan, suggestions on the implementation process are made by all the partakers of the project. An established proposal should be enhanced to improve on the quality of work done, and the improvements therein (Polonsky & Waller, 2005).

Materials used for the project should be of a high standard to prevent any malfunctioning of the plant. It is necessary to set the correct devices in the correct places to circumvent misplacement. Team building and integration are required for any successful project, by all members dedicating all their energy to job at hand.  Proper working conditions and mechanisms need to be arranged so that all efforts direct towards the project.

Therefore, a modest design, focused on communication and bearing in mind the humane concerns of the entire group affiliates, exploits the willingness of the employees. For any project to be enacted, thorough analysis should be made to ensure all the procedures are followed and guidelines and directions provided for (Cleleand & Ireland, 2006).